
From 2030 to 2036 I wrote over 500 topical essays for a Latin American media project. They required news cycle immediacy, preferred facts to lessons, and welcomed names, dates, and happenstances but not whys, from wheres, and to wheres. I obeyed but I also griped. In early 2037, I happened to read an oral history of social media. By late 2039 I began interviewing 18 participants in the on-going U.S. Revolution for a Participatory Society (RPS).

From 2039 into 2041, I heard about precursors, initial aims, early activities, and the birth, maturation, and success of seeking a better world.

My interviewees evaluated RPS’s early efforts in health, housing, urban relations, economics, entertainment, sports, religion, law, and media.

They recounted RPS’s gender, race, and class policies, and its approach to solidarity, leadership, and correcting its own inadequacies.

They explored RPS’s shadow government and shadow society programs, and described RPS’s social vision.

They addressed ecology, health, legality, education, media, economy, city life, family life, elections, international relations, and prospects for final victory.

In 2041, I excerpted their interviews into topical chapters and prepared a website ( to display testimonials, reviews, related essays, and comments. At that site you can add, comments, complaints, suggestions, and explorations, and also send questions to myself or to any interviewee. The website also includes YouTube links for all items in the Playlist.

Everything worthwhile about RPS/2044 is due to the interviewees. The book’s flaws are mine.

– Miguel Guevara, 2041